Section One:Website
Q1: Is this website trustworthy?
A1: Sure. Running Slow Snail LTD is a company founded in UK. We have been trying to build a fresh style to all customers, thus, our designer, Kevin Chen, decided to relate our site to politics, sports, movies and other hot news as well, by this points, you can visit our news on site. And we have choosen the color of green to make visitors feel comfortable. Game is designed to entertain players, and so should gold seller site.The stock for each game would be open and visible for all customers to ensure there is no lie to them. We do suggest every new customer to place a small order first for testing our legality. And you can also visit the Facebook link on the right side of our home page to check what people say about us. A site may lie, but people wont.
Q2: What's the benefit to register on your site as a member?
A2: By registering on our site, you will be rewarded with consumption points each time you pay on our site. 1 USD/EUR/GBP = 1 points. When you reach different amount of points, you will enjoy different discounts when you pay for the order. To know more details about consumption points and discount, please visit web link: http://www.f2fgold.com/customer-vip. Besides, members can also join the coupon promotion by link: http://www.f2fgold.com/coupon-code.
Q3: Can I sell gold or items to you?
Q3: Yes, sure you can. Any player or business man who sells gold or items to us will be paid soon after trasaction completed by PayPal(Currently support no other way). We will update the price daily and offer enough profit to players. To know more details, please contact our agents on Skype: vip@f2fgold.com.
we purchase eso gold,maplerstory 2 mesos,fallout 76 caps and so on daily. so come to sell eso gold, maplerstory 2 mesos,fallout 76 caps to us.
Section Two:Paying online
Q1: Why should I offer an valid e-mail and phone number?
A1: An valid e-mail or phone number is quite important for us to contact you in time while there is any problem existing during the delivery, and it would be more convenient to record and search your history purchases in our system. We are also expecting to send virtual gifts(Coupon Code) to you in the future.
Q2: Why I can’t pay with my credit card, it says my card is rejected?
A2: A failed payment by credit card is usually caused by your credit card issuer. As it is an international payment, sometimes credit card issuer will block the paying request for security reason if you hardly do international pays. Of course, that can also be caused by incorrect filled information. By solving this problem, you may need to double check the information you fill while you pay and try several times, if it still doesnt work, it can be solved by calling your credit card company.
Q3: Why my purchase status in PayPal account is “Pending”? The money has been debited from my account? How do I solve this problem?
A3: The “Pending” status for your purchase means your payment is currently under a review by PayPal, the money would have been debited from your account but it gets blocked on the way to our account. Usually it is caused by the following possible reasons:
1. You haven’t finished the required verifications in your PayPal account.
2. You have spent too much money online recently which is beyond a normal purchase frequency and amount.
3. Your account is found to be linked to another suspended one.
4. Your payment has exceeded the purchase limits.
5. You have some bad online purchase records online.
6. You are not considered to be the account holder by PayPal (for example: to pay at an unusual logging in place).
To solve this problem, you may have to contact PayPal to finish some verification with them, it may last for 3-7 days. We may can’t process the delivery during this time as the payment is not in our account yet and it can possibly return to your account after the review. We will inform you to accept the delivery once PayPal decide to process your payment to our account.
Q4: I don't have any PayPal account, can I pay on your site?
A4: Sure you can. Just choose the "Credit Card" option, then you can pay with your Visa or Master card. It is used specially for those who don't have any account to pay. when you have clicked this option, the page will truns into a PayPal link, then you can hit the area which shows "Dont have a PayPal account" to finish the payment
Q5: What is a coupon? How do I get one?
A5: A coupon is a code for saving money while you are placing an order. To get one, you may have to be marked as an loyal customer in our system which have a long time purchase record. A coupon code will be mailed to your mailbox when you have reached the qualification.
Section Three:Order and Delivery
Q1: What is the delivery way for each game?
A1: Currently we offer 3 delivery ways for customers:
1. World of Warcraft-------------Face to Face or Auction House(AH fee free)
2. Final Fantasy------------------By mail in game
3. Path of Exile------------------- By face to face in game
4. FIFA 16------------------------- By transfer market (5% transfer fee)
5. Runescape-------------------- Face to Face
6. Elder Scrolls Online---------By Face to Face or mail in game
7. Blade & Soul-------------------By Biding System in cross-realm dungeon
8. Fallout 76 caps----By face to face
9. Maplestory 2---- By black market.
10. Other games------------------ By mail in game
Q2: What is the average time of waiting?
A2: The delivery time frame depends on the type of order:
1. Gold: 10-15mins. If the gold amount is larger than usual, may take extra minsutes to finish the preparation.
2. Item: 1-2 hours. Delivery of items only begins from 7pm-10am(second day) of American Strandard Time.
3. Power Leveling: Depends on the content of leveling.
Q3: Where should I wait if I choose to deliver by face to face in World of Warcraft and Runescape?
A3: We have 2 usual sites to deliver in World of Warcraft:
1. World of Warcraft:
1.1 Alliance--------------Storm Wind City or startplace of Human
1.2 Horde----------------Ratchet in Orgrimmar or startplace of Orc
2. Runescape 3 or Runescape 07
2.1. Runescape 3 -------------- South gate of Grand Exchange (random world)
2.2. Runescape 07 ------------- 3rd floor of Lumbridge Bank (random world)
We may send you an group request so both of us can see each other, please ensure you are online within the next 1 hour when you have placed the order and don’t go in to the dungeons or be away from keyboard. If you you are in Runescape, please come to our live chat on home page to get the specific "world" to trade.
Q4: Will my account get banned if I buy gold or other items in World of Warcraft on your website?
A4: According to our experience in the last 5 years, our customers’ accounts won’t easily get banned for buying virtual items or currency in game. While our accounts will as we do nothing but trade. Usually Blizzard will warn customers some times before they are really going to take actions to your account. Of course it only happens to face to face trade. AH has been the safest way to trade as it is random trade, no way to trace back. If you really worry about account being banned, you can chooes AH instead.
Q5: How can I be sure my order is successfully paid? What do I need to do after that?
A5: Once your order has been successfully paid on our website, you will receive an e-mail from support@****.com to get notified, so be sure you have offered us the correct e-mail address in your order. Then you may need to check the information about your order in that e-mail and reply it to us. After that, you only need to wait about 1 hour in game for the delivery.
Section Four:Powerleveling
Q1: Will my account been hacked if I buy power leveling service?
A1: Sure you wont. When we log in your account, we only need a confirmation code which is sent by game party to your account e-mail. We will never ask the answer to your Private Security Question as it will gain all accesses to your account in the future. If there is anyone who tries to ask it from you, dont trust them. Besides, we don's have access to your account e-mail, so except logging in your account , we can't even change your password. You can remove all valuable items and gold away before you place the order for secutiry issue and change the password when the power leveling is comepelted.
Q2: Will an authenticator matter if my account is bonded with one?
A2: Yes, it matters. With an authenticator, each time we log in your account , an active code will be required from game party. In that case, we have to contact you at any time we log in, if we failed to contact you, your order will be delayed that we may can not finish your order within the regulated time frame. If you really want to palce the order without removeing your authenticator, your order can still be compelted if you don't mind the delay of your order.
Q3: Can I log in game or game official site when you are leveling for me?
A3: No, you can't. If your account keeps being logged in between two different places within short time , the game party will find it suspious, which may lead your account been locked or even banned. We highly suggest players to log in their account once the power leveling is completed. And we will also inform you by your account e-mail when the trasaction is done.
Q4: What is Specified Account in World of Warcraft?
A4: Specified Account means the secondary account in your World of Warcraft accuont. For example, WOW1, WOW2. Of course, some people have a special name for it as it can be renamed.
Our Guarantee

Best Price
We always try to offer our customers a better and reasonable price instead of obtaining huge profits. We will try our best to keep the price steady and a lower level.

100% Satisfaction
Excellent service and reasonable price are always the symbols of f2fgold. To offer what customers need and to solve problems what they worry about are what we have been doing over the years. We do and do it well.

100% Safe
Excellent service and reasonable price are always the symbols of f2fgold. To offer what customers need and to solve problems what they worry about are what we have been doing over the years. We do and do it well.

We offer a 24-48-hour refund guarantee if your orders can not be proceed for some reason to protect our customers’ online legal rights.
Member Login
Help Center
- Phone: +1(608)975-7212(SMS)
- Email: [email protected]
- Email: [email protected]
- Skype: [email protected]
Why Choose Us?
- Friendly Service.
- f2fgold has a professional CS team who works 24/7.We offer humanized service to all our customers. Being professional and patient is our feature.
- Security Assurance
- All the products we offer are handmade,we choose our suppliers carefully.We always offer the safest methods to deliver.
- Refund Guarantee
- We offer a 24-48-hour refund guarantee if your orders can not be proceed for some reason, we always protect our customers’ online legal rights.
- Speedy Delivery
- If you can see the stock on our website, that means we are in stock at that time. Most of orders can be finished within 1 hour in that occasion.